Kevin Kumashiro

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(updated 18 September 2021)
9:00-10:30 a.m. (Pacific Time)
Naming the Moment and Building the Movement
Welcome Remarks
Kevin Kumashiro, Conference Organizer
What is the Broader Political Context of the Attacks on Critical Race Theory?
Francesca Lopez, Pennsylvania State University & National Education Policy Center
Making the Affirmative Case for Race and Gender Justice Education
Sumi Cho, African American Policy Forum
Educators: Know Your Rights
Jason Walta, National Education Association
School Masking/Vaxing Battles in Policies, Courts, & Elections: Why All the Fuss? And What Does It Have to Do with Education Civil Rights for Marginalized Children???
Miriam Rollin, Education Civil Rights Alliance
How Does James Baldwin Speak to This Moment?
Carl Grant, University of Wisconsin at Madison
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Breakout Sessions #1
1.1. Colleges of Education Countering the Attacks on Teaching: A Discussion with Education Deans for Justice and Equity (EDJE)
[online host: Kathy]
Moving towards Equity: From Status Quo to Big Asks
René Antrop-Gonzalez, State University of New York at New Paltz & EDJE
Partnering with Communities to Rebut Attacks on Teaching and Public Education
Julian Vasquez Heilig, University of Kentucky & EDJE
Framing Attacks on University Programs and K12 Curriculum as Dilemmas of Practice: A Response
Katherine Schultz, University of Colorado at Boulder & EDJE
“Why Do We Have to Announce that We Serve Latinos?”: Mission-Driven Leadership and the Struggle for Academic Justice
Kimberly White-Smith, University of La Verne & EDJE
1.2. Anti-Oppressive Frameworks for Curriculum and Pedagogy
[online host: Rayna]
Get ICEy: InSCIde SOCial Justice LeSSon Study
Rayna R. H. Fujii & Stacy A. George, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Let Aloha Be Our Guide: Multicultural Education and the Grounding of Pedagogy in a Sense of Place
ʻAlohilani Okamura, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Nānā i ke Kumu: The CREDE Standards for Effective Pedagogy’s Seven Branches from Hawaiian Roots
Rebecca ‘Ilima Ka‘anehe, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Teaching the Truth in Elementary School
Nicole Roady & Breána Victoria, Chapman University
The 3 ‘P’s of Antiracist Teaching
Kwame Sarfo-Mensah, Identity Talk Consulting
1.3. Anti-Oppressive Frameworks for Teacher and Leader Preparation
[online host: Catherine Wong]
Leading through Contradiction: Adapting and Transcending when Incoming Change Missiles Require Pivoting
Catherine Wong, Catherine Wong Consults & Leadership Brainery; & Joe-Joe McManus, Delta Developmental
Tapping into Personal Experiences and Expertise to Build Partnerships toward Teacher Leaders
Kristen L. Hodnett, Hunter College
Teaching as a Purposeful Act: Grounding the Development of an Equity-literate Framework through Intentional Activities in College Courses
Xochitl Archey, California State University at San Marcos
Teaching from the Scar, Not from the Wound: Unpacking Internalized Oppression [WEBSITE]
Matthew Ray Reynolds, Matthew Reynolds Consulting
Teaching the Background Brief to Pre-Service Teachers: (Re)Imagining a Syllabus to Address and Resist the Attacks on Teaching and Critical Race Theory
Sharon Leathers, Ramapo College of New Jersey
12:30-1:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Breakout Sessions #2
2.1. California Alliance of Researchers for Equity in Education (CARE-ED) Organizing to Advance Diversity and Justice in Education: Ethnic Studies, High Stakes Testing in Teacher Education, and the Attacks on Anti-Racist Curriculum
[online host: Ruchi]
Christine Sleeter, California State University at Monterey Bay & CARE-ED
Alison Dover, California State University at Fullerton & CARE-ED
Nick Henning, California State University at Fullerton & CARE-ED
Ruchi Agarwal-Rangnath, University of San Francisco & CARE-ED
Rick Ayers, University of San Francisco & CARE-ED
Margarita Berta-Avila, Sacramento State University & CARE-ED
Brian Charest, University of Redlands & CARE-ED
2.2. Dialogue, Engage, Collab, Educate as Sustaining the Affirming Blackness Movement
[online host: Chris]
“My Milkshake Brings all the Folx to the Yard:” Black Women Serve and Uplift in Higher Ed
M. Billye Sankofa Waters, University of Washington at Tacoma
The Master Storyteller: Using Black History to Disrupt Public Spaces
Javier L. Wallace, Duke University
Empower, Engage, and Sustain Blackness
Chris Knaus, University of Washington at Tacoma; & Martin P. Smith, Duke University
2.3. Storytelling as Collective Action: An Interactive Session
[online host: Katie]
Where Our Stories Diverge and Converge
Katie Krafft, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
Oral History Pedagogy and Critical Encounters
Mohit Mehta, University of Texas at Austin
1:45-3:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Breakout Sessions #3
3.1. Collective Action for Legislation and Policy
[online host: Ferial]
Connecting Classroom and Community: Lessons I Learned as a New Organizer Planning a Collective Action for Georgia Teachers
Amelia H. Wheeler, University of Georgia
History In The Making in Louisville, KY [SLIDES]
Gay Adelmann, Dear JCPS & Save Our Schools Kentucky
Organizing among University Faculty against Anti-CRT Legislation in Texas
Noah De Lissovoy & Angela Valenzuela, University of Texas at Austin
Reflections of an Ad Hoc Education Justice Group: Drawing Lessons for Intersectional and Intergenerational Praxis
Frankie Free Ramos, University of California at Berkeley; & Nirali Jani, Holy Names University
When Coddling Bigoted Stakeholders Threatens Teaching the Truth
Ferial Pearson, Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo, & Gabriel Gutiérrez, University of Nebraska at Omaha
3.2. Teaching and Learning through Discomfort and Resistance
[online host: Rayna]
Carnival Classrooms: Sites of Resistance and Liberation in Secondary Composition Classrooms
Tracee Auville-Parks, University of Redlands
Empathy for the ‘Other’: Early Childhood Teacher Educators at the Hyphen of Critical Race Theory
Kevin McGowan, Bridgewater State University; Lea Ann Christenson, Towson University; & Leah Muccio, University of Hawai‘i
Frozen in the Face of Crisis: Responding to Frozen Students Drawing Lessons across Divergent Fields of Education
Elaine Alvey, Alaska Pacific University; & Jacob Alvey, University of North Dakota
Reimagining Methodologies: How We Center Marginalized Voices
Yumi Aguilar & Victoria Siaumau, California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo
T.H.I.R.S.T. Courageous Critical Conversations [SLIDES]
Lisel Murdock-Perriera, Sonoma State University; & Rosela C. Balinbin Santos, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
3.3. Dismantling Whiteness and White Supremacy
[online host: Virginia Lea]
Educational Panopticism, White Supremacy, and the Need for Abolition
Louisa Julius-Edghill, Toronto District School Board & Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at University of Toronto
Guise of Inclusion: The Survival of Non-Ideal Students in White-Supremacist Heteropatriarchal Systems of Education
Leslie Ekpe, Texas Christian University; & Whitney Roach, Texas Christian University
Rediscovering the Conflict Zone: Asianness between Whiteness and Blackness
Kako Koshino, Tokyo University and Graduate School of Social Welfare
Silenced Voices!: White Accountability, Cultural Hegemony, Historical Trauma and Narratives of Hope, Equity, and Social Justice in Higher Education
Virginia Lea & Emily Hines, University of Wisconsin-Stout; & Sapna Thapa, Metropolitan State University
Whiteness 101: Racial Identity Work for White Educators to Advance Antiracist Pedagogy
Meghan Slan, University of San Francisco
9:00-10:15 a.m. (Pacific Time)
Building Collectives, Acting Collectively as Scholars/Educators
Building Collectives of Educational Scholars Nationwide!
Kevin Kumashiro, Conference Organizer and Co-Coordinator of:
- Brief on Understanding the Attacks on Teaching
- Statement by 17,300+ Educators to Support Trans Youth
- Statement by 2300+ Educators Against White Supremacy
- Pledge by 2200+ Educators to Support Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders
- Statement by 700+ Educators of Color Against Failed Educational “Reforms”
17,300+ Educators to President Biden: Support Trans Youth
Harper Keenan, University of British Columbia
American Educational Studies Association: Fall 2020 Day of Action
Silvia Bettez, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; & Richard Kahn, Antioch University Los Angeles
Teaching for Democracy: Reaching Out to School Boards in Pennsylvania [SLIDES]
Lisa Smulyan, Swarthmore College & Pennsylvania Education Scholars Collective
10:30-11:45 a.m. (Pacific Time)
Breakout Sessions #4
4.1. Collective Action for Institutional Transformation
[online host: Catherine Bornhorst]
Equity, Period: Supporting Menstruators in Our K-12 Spaces
Sarah “Mili” Milianta-Laffin, Ilima Intermediate School
Legacies of Fugitive Studies: Students of Color Creating a Critical Studies Collective
Kayla Chui, Jessica Ramirez, Jazmen Moore, & Kaleb Germinaro, University of Washington
Making the Move to All-Gender Bathrooms: How Collective Action, Curriculum, and the Physical Space Can Illuminate and Address Gender Inequity and Injustice at School [SLIDES]
Jingwoan Chang, Hanahau‘oli School; & Amber Strong Makaiau, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
The Role of School-University Partnerships and Clinical Practice in Furthering the Vision and Strategies in the Background Brief
Catherine Wolfe Bornhorst, National Network for Educational Renewal; & Rodrick Lucero, National Center for Clinical Practice in Educator Preparation
Who has the Final Say? Academic Freedom, Censorship, and Governance in Higher Education
Carol Batker & Jennifer Turpin, University of San Francisco
4.2. Reframing Pedagogy as Public and Participatory
[online host: Vidya]
ʻAʻohe Pau Ka ʻIke I Ka Hālau Hoʻokahi: Insights for Learning with Community and Place
Summer P. Maunakea & Brooke Ward Taira, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Conceptualizing a Critical Media Production Framework for Social Justice
Sonia De La Cruz, University of Washington at Tacoma
Engaging with Teacher and Student Participatory Action Research in Constricting Institutional Contexts
Annie S. Adamian, California State University at Chico
Gaming to Challenge Dominant Ideology: Racial Objectivity, Meritocracy, and Color-blind-ness
Antonette Aragon, Colorado State University
Unleading [SLIDES] [WEBSITE]
Vidya Shah, York University; Jocelyn Shih, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at University of Toronto; Sayema Chowdhury, York University; & Amanda Lima, York University
4.3. Building an Ethnic Studies Movement
[online host: Theresa]
Building a Movement for Ethnic Studies
Theresa Montaño, California State University at Northridge, California Faculty Association, & Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Coalition (LESMC)
Organizing for Ethnic Studies & Teaching Palestine
Samia Shoman, Teach Palestine and LESMC
Attacks on Critical Race Theory are Attacks on Chicana/o – Ethnic Studies
Sean Arce, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) & LESMC; & Lupe Carrasco Cardona, Association of Raza Educators (ARE) & LESMC
What is Liberatory Ethnic Studies?
Taunya Jaco, California Teachers Association & LESMC; & Tracie Noriega, San Lorenzo Unified School District & LESMC
Building a National Movement for Ethnic Studies
Lara Kiswani, Arab Resource and Organizing Center
Discussant: Trish Gallagher Guertsen, California Chapter of National Association for Multicultural Education and LESMC
12:15-1:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Breakout Sessions #5
5.1. Collective Action for Curriculum and Pedagogy
[online host: Lois]
Collective Building and Critical Pedagogy Development of Teacher Educators
Waynele Yu & Jaime Kent, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa; Tara Plachowski, University of Nevada at Las Vegas; Steve Hayden, Nevada State College; & Rashi Jawade, Embracing Equity
Growing the Educurious Social Studies Collective: An Educator Consortium to Teach Hard History with Culturally Affirming Project-Based Learning [SLIDES]
Chris Carter, Alex Goodell, Blake Konrady, Sara Nachtigal, & Natasha Warsaw, Educurious
How Can We Build a Stronger Movement for Justice in Education?
Heather Camp, Brooke Burk, Karen Lybeck, Minnesota State University at Mankato
Infusing Social Justice and Truth in University Education: Integrating Anti-Racism into Faculty Development
Mary Roaf, Betsy Eudey, & Shradha Tibrewal, California State University at Stanislaus
Speaking Pidgin and Promoting Classroom Conversations about Inequities among Hawaiian and Other Minoritized Students
Lois A. Yamauchi & Brook Chapman de Sousa, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa; & Bryant Jensen, Brigham Young University at Provo
5.2. Intersectional Analyses across Educational and Other Institutions
[online host: Danielle Greene]
Black Displacement and African American Classrooms
Danielle Greene, Stanford University
Exploring Emotional Connections of Foster Youth in Higher Education
Miriam Martinez, University of Redlands
The Role of Professional Learning Spaces in Coalition Building and the Sustainability of Justice-Oriented Teachers: Findings from a Study on a University-Based Teacher Learning Initiative on Race and Housing
Daniele Fogel, University of California at Berkeley
Seeking Educational Justice for Youth in Adult Jails [SLIDES]
Melissa Marini Švigelj, University of California at Santa Cruz
Understanding the School-to-Prison Pipeline and Restorative Practices in Schools [SLIDES]
Christopher Tran, Chapman University & Anaheim Union High School District
5.3. Black Lives Matter at School: Strategies for Insurgent Educators
[online host: Colleen]
Black Lives Matter at School: How We Got Here
Denisha Jones, Sarah Lawrence College & Black Lives Matter at School
Black Students & Educators Fighting Unjust Policies & Legislation in a Red State
Lisa Covington, Black Lives Matter at School
Moving from Ally to Accomplice
Sam Carwyn, University of Colorado at Boulder & Black Lives Matter at School
Angela Harris, Black Lives Matter at School
Ismael Jiminez, Black Lives Matter at School
1:45-3:15 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Breakout Sessions #6
6.1. The Injustice of Unsafe School Worksites: Toxic Environments for Students and Educators [HANDOUT WITH SLIDES AND LINKS]
[online host: Mireille]
Hawai‘i for a Safe Return to Schools Strives for Justice in the Era of COVID-19
Mireille Ellsworth, Waiākea High School & Hawai‘i for a Safe Return to Schools
The Backstory of IEQ’s, Legacy Toxins, and Advocacy to End the Hazards in Schools
Chip Halverson, National Education Association Healthy Schools Caucus
Fighting for Healthier Communities: Working toward Ending Environmental Hazards
Aydé Bravo, Maywood Elementary (CA) & Cudahy Alliance for Justice
The Living Consequences: Teachers Poisoned and Forced into Silence
An Educator in Southeast Texas
Hazards on Campuses in the American South
Londra Hunter, Career Development Center (Jackson, MS)
Communicating Early and Uncertainty during the Delta Wave
Joaquín Beltrán, Speak Up America
MassCOSH’s Healthy Schools Initiative: Lessons Learned from Decades of Organizing for Healthy and Safe Schools
Al Vega, Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety & Health
Working toward Environmental Justice through Unions
Gladys Márquez, Eisenhower High School & National Education Association
6.2. Lessons in Liberation: Growing Movements through Abolitionist Praxis
[online host: Chrissy]
Abolition: One Critical Genealogy
Erica Meiners, Northeastern Illinois University
Cultivating a Culture of Transformative Youth Organizing
Emily Bautista, Academy of Media Arts
Arts-Based Abolitionist Education: Free Money Example and Sample Curriculum
Sefanit Habtom, University of Toronto
Why Spiritual Revival Matters: Spirit Murdering that Shapes Elementary Schooling
Farima Pour-Khorshid, University of San Francisco
Abolition Education in High School and Alternative Spaces: A Dialogue
Chrissy Hernandez, California State University at Monterey Bay; & Kyle Beckham, University of California at Berkeley
Letter to Brandon: Heal, Grow, and Change the World
Emily Borg, San Francisco State University
Discussants: Alexander Davis, H.O.L.L.A!; & Sheeva Sabati, California State University at Sacramento
6.3. Dismantling Empire, Coloniality, Militarism, & Globalized Capitalism
[online host: Colleen]
A Call for Truth-Telling in Guiding Documents: Using Local History to (Re)frame Critical Institutional Commitments
Rick Lybeck, Minnesota State University at Mankato
Critical Truths (and Hope) in Paradise, Part I
Carole Hsiao, Hawai‘i Scholars for Education and Social Justice; & Colleen Rost-Banik, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Critical Truths (and Hope) in Paradise, Part II
Carol Ann Carl & Austin Haleyalpiy, Kōkua Kalihi Valley
Filipinos in Hawaiʻi: The Struggle for Identity and Empowerment
Phillippe Rivera Fernandez-Brennan, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Raising Okinawan Consciousness through Education Provoking Cognitive Dissonance
Kazufumi Taira, Akita University