Each month, we will deliver a gift basket to influencers, decision makers, and leaders within JCPS schools, including Librarians, Bookkeepers, FRYSCs, SBDM members, PTA presidents, and principals upon request. The gift baskets also contain materials that inform the recipient about the All History Matters campaign and how they can sign on to support.
Your organization is invited to participate in helping to defray the costs to produce and distribute these gift baskets by sponsoring an item in the gift basket. Minimum 200 baskets per sponsorship.

Sample Basket Cost:
Coloring Book $2.50 each
Buttons $1.00 each
Masks $8.00 each
Window Decals $ .65 each
Tshirts $11.00 each
Rainbow Balloon $2.35 each
Basket, wrap and ribbon $2.50 each
Wrist bands
$2.50 each
Cinch sacks
$2.50 each

Other, please ask!
Total of items: $27.00
Delivery in Jefferson County $5.95
Sample Basket Cost: $32.95
All co-sponsors will have their logo added to the back of the coloring book and on our website, social media, etc. Quotes are based on estimates needed to cover raw materials, assembly and delivery costs.
Future gift basket deliveries, as participation and donations grow, may include additional school districts, additional people including legislators, community leaders. The baskets and items from within will also be offered for purchase as a fundraiser or to give as a gift.
For a more detailed explanation about what we are working on, please watch this video from the Education Committee Chair, Gay Adelmann.
To sign up or for more information, please call Gay Adelmann @ (502) 565-8397.